
What is a palatal expander?

Palatal expander or Rapid palatal expander is an appliance for children.  It can correct a narrow, malformed arch due to thumb sucking.  It can correct uneven arch and uneven growth.  It can stimulate the upper palate to grow at a crucial time.   

How does Palatal expander work?

Palatal Expander has a micro-screw embedded in the middle of the appliance.  By engaging and turning the appliance, the two panels connected by the screw gradually opens up and create the palatal expansion.  


Is it suitable for my child?

Palatal expander works well for children because the suture in the children’s palates are not yet closed.  The earlier the appliances are in, the better the effects.  

What condition can it correct?

By using the palatal expander, the children can often overcome extreme crowding, uneven growth, crooked arch, crossbite.  

Your child’s face continues to grow and the dental arches contribute to the freedom that the face can grow to achieve harmony.  When the lower arch is locked under the upper arch in severe crowding case, the child’s lower jaw cannot grow.  Visa versa when the upper jaw is locked under the lower jaw, the face might appear crooked.  


Missing Teeth

Cracked tooth can be hard to detect by yourself.  The pain may come and go.  You might notice one time and the pain seems to go away, and only returns more frequent.  Your dentist can help you pinpoint the where the pain is located at.  And with early treatment, you might be able to avoid more costly treatment or dire consequences.  Your dentist can take a picture of the tooth and show you where the crack is.  

Uneven arch length and cross bite

“Cracked tooth could be due to presence of large filling.  If you look at the picture to the right closely, you can see that the molar has a large filling in the middle.  The wall fractures off as a result of the biting force.  

Cracked tooth can also be attributed to grinding and clenching.  A condition commonly known as bruxism.  Grinding is the motion of meshing your upper and lower teeth together.  When a person has bruxism, the biting surface of the tooth can look very worn down.  Clenching is the motion that your jaw muscles flex and tense while you hold your teeth together.  So the combination of the grinding and clenching can put a constant stress on your teeth.  

Cracked tooth could be due to bad habits, such as biting a pencil, chewing on ice, chomping down on crab legs, bones, or any hard objects, even opening bottle caps.  

Narrow upper arch

A narrow upper arch or retrusive upper arch, in this case, the right side was pinned down by the lower arch.  As a result, the teeth cannot grow correctly.  Notice how the front teeth came in crooked .  When we inserted the upper palatal expander and free the upper right side, the upper arch was able to grow symmetrically.  

Is it too late for my kid?

Palatal expansion works well for children under 9 years old because the palatal suture has not closed yet. However older children and teens continue to reap the benefit of palatal expansion.  Talk to us if you think your child can benefit from palatal expansion treatment.  

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