
Having dental procedure in a safe setting

Both CDC and ADA have issued guidelines for dentists and dental offices to follow in order to reduce the transmission of Covid 19.  The highly transmisable virus can stay on surfaces for several hours and up to a few days making disinfection even more important.  Luckily, most dentists and dental offices are already practicing protocols to reduce pathogens.  

Eliminate aerosol and filter the virus

Aerosols are tiny droplets of water that are produced during many dental procedures.  Since the virus can become airborne and be suspended in tiny aerosols, reduing aerosol becomes an important part of our practice.  


A senior dentist scrapes away some debris from between a patient tooth while the dental nurse applies suction in the mouth to take away any foreign objects. The brightly lit dentist surgery is clean and modern.


Disinfect the office everyday

UVC germicidal lamp is used to disinfect and reduce bacteria, fungus, and virus every night while the office is closed.  

Pre-procedure interview and post-procedure follow up

To make sure that we treat each every patient in a safe setting.  We go through a screening process, and then follow up with temperature check at the office.  We follow a flow chart provided by CDC and ADA in order to safely treat every patient.  We place a polycarbonate barrier in the front office to protect the front staff, and we reduce patient flow to ensure that we avoid accidental exposure.  

Every step is taken to avoid exposure

To prevent night time grinding, you can wear a protective night guard.  A night guard should be well made that can fit snugly over your tooth surface and won’t get dislodged.  A hard guard can prevent the teeth from grinding and prevent the muscle from clenching, but not everyone can tolerate a hard night guard.  You can also get a clear aligner style night guard that fit over both upper and lower arches.  The clear aligner style night guard is basically a clear aligner but with a different thickness and resiliency material.  

A Snore guard can also be an effective way in preventing grinding while reducing snoring.  A snore guard works in bringing the lower jaw forward so that there is more room for your tongue and the airway is not obstructed.  

Everyone plays a role

Depends on the size of the crack or severity of the crack, you might need different types of treatment.  If the crack is small enough, you can usually get a filling to replace the crack or old filling.  If the crack is bigger, you might get an onlay or a crown to cover the tooth.  If your crack has extended into the nerve and you have severe sensitivity or pain, you might need a root canal.  

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